Friday, February 26, 2010

Older men! Have you ever personally used a treatment for thinning hair, and did it work?

Whenever I go to get my hair cut, some clever scissors-wielding git tells me I'm going a bit thin on top and tries to flog me tonic. I always refuse, partly because I'm not bald yet, and I'm an optimist, partly because I'm a technophobe and believe that tonics might actually make my hair fall out faster, and partly because I hate people who tell me that my hair is thinning. But are they right? Do any of these tonics actually work?Older men! Have you ever personally used a treatment for thinning hair, and did it work?
I'm one of those 'gits' :) but I don't think that they work , I get

a hundred beauty salespeople coming to my salon per year and

none have insisted that they have the revolutionary anti-balding

serum . If it were out there , my prices would be going WAY up

and I'd be driving a Jag .Older men! Have you ever personally used a treatment for thinning hair, and did it work?
I had a few dozen rabbits tattoo'ed on my head------- from a distance they look like hares.

go bald gracefully an quit being a poser :o)
An ex of mine used to go for that shiite. All it used to do though was leave a red rash around his hairline. Was really pricey though. Load of bollox. Can't beat a short crop when it comes to going bald. Defo no Bobby Charlton combovers.
My ex boyfriend used to spend $150 per bottle to use on his thinning hair. Funny part was that when he got out of the shower, he'd have to spend another 5 minutes cleaning out his hair from the drain. So, to me, no these treatments do not work.
You should start using Nioxin shampoo, I have found it brilliant on my clients......there will be one to cater for your specific hair type, it is best to buy it from somewhere like trade secrets so you have the help of the stylist top match one for you...

These hair loss ampuoles I have attached are amazing but they are about to be would give your hair a good boost too

Daniel x
An article in the either the British Daily Mail or Express the other day mentioned a new, upcoming treatment that's being developed. With caffine! Apparently it surpresses the hormone thingy that causes thining, i don't know if it reverses it, but it sounds like it might as the article speculated that it could be an even simpler/easier treatment than the second new one i'll mention. Apparently they say the alternative is to drink 60 cups of coffee a day (DON'T AS I'M PRETTY SURE THIS WILL KILL YOU)... or, you know, wait till this new medication arrives that delivers direct treatement to the area.

Another treatment that i've read about, thought to be available around 2010, God willing, involves taking a scalp sample from the side of the head (where the follicles either don't attract, or aren't affected by the hormone) stimulate them in a lab and re-inject them into your scalp some months later, after another few months it should re-grow, if it works, and not fall out again (as these new follicles wouldn't be affected by the hormone). It sounds similar but better than a hair transplant (or 'hair plugs' as some call them) which involves transplanting/'plugging' whole hairs from the back or side of the head. They can look quite ugly and unnatural though, like doll's hair and they're simply removing hair from one part of the head to another. Anyway, the article said the new treatment should be a cheap procedure and take up to 1000 injections for a fully bald head. It also said that in the future, it could be that baldness would be a choice. So hang in there.
Why are you asking the older men do you

not see young males going bald also.

I hope that's the biggest problem in your life.
Young men go bald too! You could shave it all off!

This is coming from a woman,but shaving your hair

off can help you look better %26amp; more honest %26amp; real.

Depending on your skin though. If your skin is clear

going bald by shaving it off can actually make you

look better,or if you have not so good skin you can

get a good skin care program going. Sea breeze

cleansers %26amp; toners seem to help alot of men with

skin issues.

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